They ensure that aircraft are separated over the ocean, where there is little radar coverage. Before 2020, the North Atlantic was one of the busiest airspaces in the world. Z, Wind/Temps Valid 0000z A note from the AeroSavvy Barrister Pray tell. North Atlantic Turbulence | Eastbound | Westbound | FL300-FL380 / 250 MB TURB 500 MB . From 1130z - 1900z all that traffic flies back to North America. FL390 Traffic levels are lower at present about 40% of normal. In essence, the procedure demands that aircraft in North Atlantic airspace fly track centreline or one or two . But this overlooks a key point: its not a surveillance problem, its a comms problem. Email us at Europe loop| Satellite: view. RWY 01 /19 5141'x148' SFC:ASP Elev:29 PCN:035FAXT, RWY 13 /31 4035'x148' SFC:ASP Elev:38 PCN:025FAXT, RWY 06 /24 3150'x98' SFC:ASP Elev:39 PCN:015FAXT. View the current North Atlantic Track Message: Current Eastbound Tracks overlaid on weather: Current Westbound Tracks overlaid on weather. Airlines that fly the North Atlantic regularly send a preferred route message (PRM) to Gander and Shanwick, showing what the route preferences are. - Open 24 hours. General. The codes are two pairs of letters(like CG-MS). They ensure aircraft are separated over the ocean, where there is little radar coverage. [Our SelCal code is CG-MS andwe are heading towards Shanwick Oceanic Control], AeroSavvy 105, heres your SelCal. Planned the bird for a random route above the track for vantage of higher flight level, (but exactly over the track for taking advantage of the winds). 340 350 360 370 380 390 400. The guidance was part of a number of changes [1] that were contained in a revised 2017 edition of NAT Doc 007:North Atlantic Airspace and Operations Manual [2] 16 March 2021. In other words, OFW ATC = MFT = MTT = MCT. Get a forecast by email. Because of the difference in ground speed caused by the jetstream, westbound flights tend to be longer in duration than their eastbound counterparts. To make such efficiencies possible, the routes are created twice daily to take account of the shifting of the winds aloft and the principal traffic flow, eastward in North America evening and westward twelve hours later. 48 HR | An example of eastbound traffic flowing along the North Atlantic Tracks (NAT). We are not currently flight planning to minimise emissions we flight plan to minimse cost. A. For this flight, the requested track was not available at FL390 (because of other traffic ahead). A further paper as an iteration of the first, applying a collaborative approach with the operational world (ATC, Airlines, Aircraft Operators, Flight Crew), would be beneficial. West Atlantic Sigmets North Atlantic Tracks - Last updated at 2023/02/25 22:15 GMT; The following are active North Atlantic Tracks issued by Shanwick Center (EGGX) and Gander Center (CZQX). PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT OF OPERATIONS IN THE NORTH ATLANTIC ORGANIZED TRACK SYSTEM AND CHICAGO O'HARE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT NOISE STUDY Nikolaos K. Tsikas ABSTRACT This thesis consists of two topics. E 7/30/2019 North Atlantic Tracks. Keep them coming! 03: OFW ATC route. North Atlantic Tracks, officially titled the North Atlantic Organised Track System (NAT-OTS), is a structured set of transatlantic flight routes that stretch from the northeast of North America to western Europe across the Atlantic Ocean.They ensure aircraft are separated over the ocean, where there is little radar coverage. [1] In 1966, the two agencies at Shannon and Prestwick merged to become Shanwick, with responsibility out to 30W longitude; according to the official document "From 1st April, 1966, such a communications service between such aircraft and the said air traffic control centres as has before that date been provided by the radio stations at Ballygirreen in Ireland and Birdlip in the United Kingdom will be provided between such aircraft and the said air traffic control centre at Prestwick or such other air traffic control centre in the United Kingdom as may from time to time be nominated". Westbound A train is approaching the platform at a slow speed as there is a man on the tracks trying to rescue a stray . they also found that when an eastbound track is very far away from the route . They ensure aircraft are Surface Precip Model The pilots talk directly to the air traffic controllers. Hence the amalgamation of the 2 names. The east Atlantic region that AeroSavvy 105 will overfly is called the Shanwick Oceanic Control Area. Capacity is increased as NATS expects 16% more flights by 2025, while predicting that 10% of traffic will use the Organized Track System in the coming years, down from 38% today[when?]. [Short reply meaning: Nice talking to you, fly safe, say hello to the family!]. The MTT and MFT will go through Russia [where navigation fees are much higher]. Any NOTAMs pertaining to these tracks (waypoint changes, procedures) will be found by searching the ARTCC NOTAMs under Shanwick Center (EGGX), Gander Center (CZQX), Boston Center (KZBW) and New York Center (KZNY). 24.1. This study begins with the The North Pacific has regular, published airways to handle the traffic flying between North America and Japan, Korea, northern China. Because of the volume of NAT traffic, allowing aircraft to choose their own co-ordinates would make the ATC task far more complex. | Europe 24H 200 MB CPDLC (Controller-Pilot Data Link Communications) and ADS-C (Automated Dependent Surveillance-Contract) are required FL350 to FL390 (inclusive) throughout the entire ICAO NAT region. Newfoundland Maps These Concorde tracks used the shortest distance possible that kept Concorde away from land and any other air traffic. FL 360 to 390 inclusive, require CPDLC and ADS-C fitted aircraft. | In Short: Strategic Lateral Offset Procedures (SLOP) costs nothing and increases flight safety. New York ARTCC issues Oceanic Clearances to eastbound aircraft entering North Atlantic High Level Airspace. C This allows more traffic to operate on the most efficient routes, reducing fuel cost. Westbound| Europe IR| The six tracks are labelled from A to F and lie predominantly North of the GC path to avoid the prevailing jet stream air currents. 12 HR | Iceland Radar | FL450 Fancy digital communication is awesome, but we still need a backup in case the technology fails (that could never happen, right?). K Routes are changed twice daily and there is a series of entrance and exit waypoints which link into the airspace system of North America and Europe. We are an industry founded on innovation and ingenuity, and we should be looking for every opportunity to do something more than just shave a few dollars off a route cost. C. MTT: Minimum Time Track. London's Heathrow Airport had the greatest number of transatlantic departures (136) and arrivals (127). Aircraft can also join an outer track half way along. These heavily travelled . .. A while ago, Ive done a mistake during planning a flight. At 0520z (about the time we are over LIMRI) the crew contacts Shannon Control on VHF to receive a warm welcome, a new transponder code, and any updates to the route into London. North Atlantic Tracks, officially titled the North Atlantic Organised Track System (NAT-OTS), is a structured set of transatlantic flight routes that stretch from the eastern North America to western Europe across the Atlantic Ocean, within the North Atlantic airspace region.They ensure that aircraft are separated over the ocean, where there is little radar coverage. NAT SN (Sierra November) - Normally used for Eastbound Concordes flights. Because thats when most passengers want to fly these routes. The concept of free-routing on the NAT is one that airlines in particular have been keen to see for a long time: the ability to decide their own routes, unconstrained by an . Lets see why this is not the case. ], Gander, AeroSavvy 105, SelCal OK, over. [citation needed], A random route must have a waypoint every 10 degrees of longitude. Storms are also possible in the red areas which also indicate the possibility of turbulence. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Want to talk to us? The aircraft in this example is a Boeing 787, which has an optimum altitude of FL390 (presure level of 200 hPa) at operational weight (~85% of MTOW). | The process for selecting a route across the ocean is more complex than it might seem. See the ATC problem? NHC| I spent 30 years controlling the Notth Atlantic and running visits for aircrew and operational personnel. In the cold light of operational reality, however, all is not as the public coverage seems. Westbound departures typically leave Europe between early morning to late afternoon and arrive in North America from early afternoon to late evening. European SigWx|, Icing & Turb 0100 0800 Westbound (avoiding OTS). It reduces the chance of collision for non-normal events such as operational altitude deviation errors and turbulence induced altitude deviations. E You are appreciated!! Newfoundland Maps When we are issued an oceanic clearance, the clearance is for a specific speed and altitude. | (as far as N if necessary, omitting O), where Z is the southernmost track. Click onthe track message image to see how it looks. Its no different on the NAT. 29 MAY 09:01 2014 UNTIL On a busy day, aircraft are spaced approximately 10 minutes apart. NAT SM (Sierra Mike) - Normally used for Westbound Concordes flights. From 1130z - 1900z all that traffic flies back to North America. 2230 0059 Westbound (avoiding OTS.) You might consider an article on North American east and west and north feeder routes that join feet wet Atlantic routes or Polar routes. Help Center; Community; Blog Over the past 25 years, there has been continual improvement in ATC efficiency. That apart, Id like to add a point about planning too !!! [citation needed], The FAA, Nav Canada, NATS and the JAA publish a NOTAM daily with the routes and flight levels to be used in each direction of travel, available online. Well written article for the aviation enthusiast, aviation professional and general public alike. Obs/Tafs| ADS (Automatic Dependent Surveillance)is the system that makes our position reports for us. The NAT Track Message. Click on the Corresponding Letter to See the Current SIGMET to congestion of these tracks, and aircraft wanting to use this airspace As we approach our track entry point, Gander Center will give us the HF frequencies forGander Radio and the next frequencies well need halfway across the Atlantic. IR+Vis| Therefore, the winds shown are those at FL390. ofNorth Americato westernEuropeacross theAtlantic Ocean. V Customs hours 0800 LCL- midnight. ), with the northernmost tracks named first. Currently airliners emit 2.7% of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The city names were combined to create Shanwick. the westbound North Atlantic Organised Track Structure. | 12 HR| Instead, it flew at a much higher altitude than subsonic airliners, namely between 45,000 ft and 60,000 ft. Eastern Satellite| An expansion is expected; Phase 32017. In this manner, a single aircraft can be efficiently utilized by flying to Europe at night and to North America in the day. North Atlantic Significant Weather with Turbulence Canada Radar| Hi. Product. Whole Atlantic / I would like to know what routes are followed from europe to south america and viceversa. Any NOTAMs pertaining to these tracks (waypoint changes, procedures) will be found by searching the ARTCC NOTAMs under Shanwick Center (EGGX), Gander Center (CZQX), Boston Center (KZBW) and New York Center (KZNY). If you are a dispatcher, or pilot, you will share my instinct that this number feels extremely high. Waypoints on the route are identified by named waypoints (or "fixes") and by the crossing of degrees of latitude and longitude (such as "54/40", indicating 54N latitude, 40W longitude). Pilotssometimes refer to 30 west longitude as the Molson/Guinness Line (beer aficionados will understand)! About. The Oceanic Controllers then calculate the required separation distances between aircraft and issue clearances to the pilots. Global warming is a danger to our entire existence. 2. North Atlantic Track system (NATs) - Routes across the pond. Fortunately, we can use a system that was introduced in 1956 calledSelCal (Selective-Calling) to monitor the radio for us. Potentially, reduced lateral spacing within all North Atlantic MNPS airspace, FL350-FL400. I I believe FlightRadar24 and similar apps will display the current tracks for you. Dont bother checking a map of Ireland or Scotland; you wont find it. North Atlantic Tracks, officially titled the North Atlantic Organised Track System (NAT-OTS), is a structured set of transatlantic flight routes that stretch from the northeast of North America to western Europe across the Atlantic Ocean.They ensure aircraft are separated over the ocean, where there is little radar coverage. 0600z | To help in assessing whether moderate or severe turbulence might have an impact on operations in the NAT Region when reduced vertical separation minimum of 1,000 feet is applied between FL290 and FL410 inclusive, the frequency and magnitude of altitude deviations from assigned FL caused by moderate to severe turbulence needs to be quantified. SIGMET; G-AIRMET . One big consideration: Turbulence. North Atlantic Tracks for the eastbound crossing on the evening of May 4, 2006. At night, the tracks flow eastbound towards Europe. With the choice of track made, the operator will then file the Flight Plan with their requested route, several hours in advance of the flights departure from JFK. They were valid for all flights reaching 30 W from 11:00 to 19:00(UTC). S P Loop Only thing is Ive planned it with a step level due to weight/fuel restrictions, with the step happening AFTER the track entry point !!!! Eastbound OTS (subject to westbounds). The place where the most efficient route lies is efficient because thats where the winds are strongest. The first RLAT tracks were published in December 2015. Unless suitable eastbound Tracks exist, during the eastbound OTS times, eastbound traffic originating in New York . 0600Z Sig Wx| K The tracks flown change twice a day so airlines can fly optimum routes based on winds. from North) to the counterclockwisefrom East as shown in Fig. These routes are not created daily like the NATS. Source: turbli's historical database, built from the daily forecasts provided by NOAA and the UK Met Office. After World War II, increasing commercial airline traffic across the North Atlantic led to difficulties for ATC in separating aircraft effectively, and so in 1961 the first occasional use of NAT Tracks was made. [citation needed]. C "-. LOL ,noticed flight from central america join the nats like joining up on a motorway crazy,keep up your good work and fly safe. Aircraft must report in as they cross various waypoints along each track, their anticipated crossing . . Westward tracks are named incrementally from the beginning of the alphabet (A,B,C. | Whenever we receive a clearance viaACARS or CPDLC, we print it out. For most domestic and trans-Pacific flights, ATC issues the crew acompleteroute from start to finish. When radio operators need to contact an aircraft, theytransmit the aircrafts SelCaltones (they sound like telephone touch-tones). I fly often between EWR/JFK and Europe/Near East, so you answered many questions. Europe Surface 24.2 upper left), while the. The 25 NM lateral separation minimum will be implemented by applying 1/2 degree track spacing between three core NAT Organized Track System (OTS) tracks (NAT Tracks). Its reliable and the signals can easily reach across the ocean. North Atlantic Tracks for the eastbound crossing on the evening of May 4, 2006. Since 2017, aircraft can plan any flight level in the NAT HLA (high level airspace), with no need to follow ICAO standard cruising levels. Given that the research paper mentioned above identifies maxium fuel savings eastbound of 16.4%, this is a good example to choose. The trackschange each day to provide the most efficient routes for the airlines. This is an experiment being led by NATS and Nav Canada (or Shanwick and Gander, if you prefer), and on the face of it, it appears straightforward. In 2012 approximately 460,000 flights crossed the North Atlantic. However, its a bridge too far to assume that just because surveillance is good, we can start treating the Air Traffic Control of NAT aircraft as if it were somewhere in the centre of Europe. Departure to destination with lowest possible fuel burn. Current Turbulence Sigmets Click on image to access plots Current Turbulence Aircraft Reports Click on region names to access plots Graphical Turbulence Guidance Click on image to access GTG plots Page loaded: 00:40 UTC | 04:40 PM Pacific | 05:40 PM Mountain | 06:40 PM Central | 07:40 PM Eastern ADVISORIES. 24 HR| Aircraft VHF radios have a very short range, so they are of little useover the ocean. What if a flight needs to go the opposite direction of the track system? (as far as M if necessary, omitting I), where A is the northernmost track, and eastbound tracks (valid from 01:00 UTC to 08:00 UTC at 30W) are indicated by the letters Z,Y,X,W etc. 24 HR| 6 HR | For example, if an aircraft can no longer maintain the speed or altitude it was assigned, the aircraft can move off the track route and fly parallel to its track, but well away from other aircraft. Since the background to this article is considering the benefits of not having to follow prescribed NAT Tracks, the key question is where has most efficiency been lost on this flight? 6 HR | G This page was last edited on 1 November 2022, at 21:11. 053. 55 degrees 30 minutes North Latitude/20 degrees West Longitude). The Pacific is even larger than the Atlantic, and I believe the Japan-California routes would be very busy as well. The long-awaited and much discussed scenario on the North Atlantic finally happened this week: No published NAT Tracks, with all aircraft on Random Routes. With a few button presses, we send the request about 90 minutes before reaching our oceanic entry point. [citation needed], Using a NAT Track, even when they are active in the direction an aircraft is flying, is not mandatory. Aircraft must report in as they cross various waypoints along each track, their anticipated crossing time of the next waypoint and the waypoint after that. W 500 MB Well look at an eastbound flight from New York Kennedy (JFK/KJFK) to London Heathrow (LHR/EGLL). The report does identify, when looking at actual flights, that efficiency savings of 2.5% for eastbound flights and 1.7% for those flying west would be obtained by flying the optimum wind route (OFW). This is a simple calculation which NAT Track most closely matches the Operator Preferred Route across the ocean. Westbound (OTS). After considering the factors noted in Planning the North Atlantic Routes above, and . The following flight level allocation scheme (FLAS) should be used by operators for flight planning purposes: May be flight planned for both eastbound and westbound non-RVSM certified aircraft Latest Analysis | | North Atlantic Tracks (NATs) are daily high altitude transatlantic routes between western Europe and the eastern coast of North-America, which provide consistent separation between aircraft. Sig WX FL100-240| The concept has garnered much media interest, not least because of the timing of a scientific research paper from Reading University that suggests efficiencies of up to 16.4% can be achieved with this new idea. A typical set of tracks across the Atlantic. They are aligned in such a way as to minimize any head winds and maximize tail winds impact on the aircraft. the 25 nautical mile (NM) reduced lateral separation minimum (RLatSM). Almost all of the time, the requested track is granted, albeit with potentially a lower level (or higher) than requested. North-Atlantic Weather Map. North Atlantic Tracks (NATS), officially titled the North Atlantic Organised Track System (NAT-OTS), is a structured set of transatlantic flight routes that stretch from the northeast of North America to western Europe across the Atlantic Ocean. A. In a domestic ATC environment, the approximate sequence of events goes like this (callsigns dropped from some calls for clarity): Controller (thought): Hmmm, Delta and Speedbird are getting a little close. North Atlantic Tracks (NATs) are daily high altitude transatlantic routes between western Europe and the eastern coast of North-America, which provide consistent separation between aircraft. They ensure that aircraft are separated over the ocean, where there is little radar coverage. NA Radar| Each airline requests a track that will give their flight the best fuel efficiency. Iceland Radar | Turbulence and thundestorm historical data of the North Atlantic Ocean. Air Ground Communications System (AGCS) is required by Gander Oceanic to receive your oceanic clearance via datalink. North Atlantic Tracks - Last updated at 2023/02/28 08:15 GMT; The following are active North Atlantic Tracks issued by Shanwick Center (EGGX) and Gander Center (CZQX). Europe Surface In essence, the procedure demands that aircraft in North Atlantic airspace fly track centreline or one or two nautical mile offsets to the right of centreline only. Select from the other forecast maps (on the right) to view the temperature, cloud cover, wind and precipitation for this country on a large scale with animation. 06 z R What happens when you get emergency in the middle of ocean? North Atlantic Oceanic FIRs, *********SEE NOTAM A1715/15 NOTAMCZQX B) 1503060900 C) 1504302359 ********. - Jetban 2300-0700 LCL time; Weekends 2330-0800 LCL. North Atlantic Tracks are calculated and published by Shanwick Centre (EGGX) at Prestwick Centre in Ayrshire, Scotland and Gander Centre (CZQX) in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. 10,000 - 50,000 feet (upper level) turbulence forecast: 12 hrs - 18 hrs - 24 hrs - 48 hrs. Same logic as NATs? Departure to destination with shortest distance (ie. Listening to HF static for hours is miserable. Our team loves to help! 06 z ENR 7.6 North Atlantic (NAT) Oceanic Clearance Procedures. G 0600z | Atlantic Ocean. .. Im glad you enjoyed it! Performance-Based Communication and Surveillance is being introduced to reduce lateral and longitudinal separation for aircraft that meet the Required Communication Performance (RCP) and Required Surveillance Performance (RSP) specifications. The air traffic controllers in Gander, Newfoundland will assign us our actual track as we approachtheir airspace. Figure 1: The annual mean North Atlantic zonal (west-east) winds at 250 hPa (around 34,000 feet) from 1979-2017, according to the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis dataset. An additional route, 'Track Sierra Papa' (SP), was used for seasonal British Airways flights from London Heathrow to/from Barbados.[7][8]. Eastbound (OTS). The difference? |, 500mb Analysis | | capabilities will be put in the outer tracks, which will add to flight About; Features; Apps; Browser Extension; Support. Every day, from 0100z 0800z (8 pm 3 am EST) hundreds of airliners fly eastbound from North America to Europe. Wow,,,what a nice explination about NATsAs a airlines pilot, it is a really well understandable & easy one Thanks. Y Flights from New York to London are expected to get more turbulent. The controller then bids us farewell: radar services terminated, have a nice day!, Gander Center (VHF) vs. Gander Radio (HF). Air traffic controllers responsible for the Gander FIR are based at the Gander Oceanic Control Centre in Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. 06: Closest NAT Track to Preferred Route. Hello Haps, The efficiency figure of 16.4% is created by dividing the air distance between LHR-JFK by additional distance flown on the least efficient eastbound NAT Track (2,997nm/503nm ~ 16.4%). Ideal time to try it out. The change in traffic patterns is due to winds over the north Atlantic. Facilities with a call sign suffix of Center (Gander Center), usually transmit on VHF radios. The flight isone ofseveral hundredaircraft leaving North America, all heading the same direction across the Atlantic. 48 HR| Phase 22015 . airspace. For the first time in decades and possibly since its inception (we're trying to work out exactly when, but at least the 1960s) there were no westbound tracks across the North Atlantic. . I have always been curious about the routing over the north Atlantic. The operator will give us a quick SelCal check to make sure our chime rings in the cockpit: Heres the transcript ofthe audio clip: Andrew. over North Atlantic Ocean to maximize its tail wind (Fig. Whole Atlantic / I am the founder of OPSGROUP, and a former airline pilot, ATCO and flight dispatcher. J These heavily travelled routes are used by aircraft flying between North America and Europe, operating between the altitudes of 29,000 and 41,000ft (8,800 and 12,500m) inclusive. On 6 May we tracked 2,464 flights over the North Atlantic. 0600z | AeroSavvy is written by Ken Hoke. Airplanes fly the routes they do over the Atlantic because they are the fastest and most efficient. Minimum Fuel is good. A few minutes before reaching LIMRI and XETBO, our oceanic exit points, AeroSavvy 105 will receive a CPDLC message like the one below. Coefficients are determined by averaging near-neighbour historical track data, with 'near' determined optimally by using . This means that our computer is talking to the air traffic control computer. 1030 1129 Eastbound (avoiding OTS). Flights equipped with and prepared to operate FANS 1/A (or equivalent) CPDLC and ADS-C For track planning, we will consider only the track from Top of Climb (first point of cruising altitude) to Top of Descent (beginning of descent into LHR). CPDLC stands for Controller Pilot Data Link Communications. About 30 minutes before a flight departs, the crew contacts air traffic control to receivea route clearance. The answer is North Atlantic Tracks. 12 HR | due to turbulence etc., ATC must be notified as soon . Atlantic Significant Weather Charts The polar jet stream can also be thought of as the "storm track", as it is associated with the powerful low-pressure systems we experience, usually in winter. This completes the oceanic portion of AeroSavvy 105. The tracks reverse direction twice daily. It traveled from New York's JFK to London's Heathrow in 4 hours, 56 minutes overnight Saturday. Find out why its safe to fly those long over-water routes: The radio call is similar to the previous one, except the operator wont have a Canadianaccent. Atrack NOTAM (Notice to Airmen), also called a track message, that defineseach days tracks is published online. Before we can fly across the Atlantic, we need to select a track (or route). I still enjoy sitting by the window and seeing the expanse of Nova Scotia and Newfoundland unfold beneath my flight. Europe IR| EAST NIL. It covers a 24 hour period over the North Atlantic. So is there anything similar when flying across the Pacific? If that happens, well reprogram our navigation system with the new route and be on our way. P Three: A review of the research report from Reading University. The second one is excellent as well. To fly from North America to Southeast Asia, there are daily published tracks similar to the Atlantic tracks. Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for EASTBOUND DISCOVERIES PRIVATE LIMITED of Mumbai, Maharashtra. time and restrict access to optimum tracks. Application of Aviation Turbulence Information to Air-Trafc Management (ATM) Jung-Hoon Kim, William N. Chan, and Banavar Sridhar . Oceanic ATC, even with this additional surveillance, remains more of a procedural environment and separation standards cannot yet drop. May be Flight Planned as eastbound by non-RVSM aircraft. Atlantic Satellites N Also depicted is the great circle route whose location is combined with the forecast winds to establish the North Atlantic Track System (NATS) tracks on a twice-daily basis (Williams and Joshi, 2013; FAA, 2019a). 211405 CZQXZQZX. 1200z | An airline, or aircraft operator will request their Preferred Track, as we have seen in the example above. Random route aircraft which join or leave an outer track of the OTS must be CPDLC/ADS-C equipped to operate at levels from FL350 to FL390 while on the OTS segment of the route. Gander Radio, AeroSavvy 105, SelCal Charlie Golf Mike Sierra, Shanwick next, over. must have, Westbound flight level - except within eastbound OTS, Eastbound flight level - except within westbound OTS, Westbound flight level - 24 hours per day. Model Write to A 200 knot tailwind is great, but it comes with a sting in the tail: severe turbulence. It is clear, then, that the presence of the NAT Tracks accounts only for a portion of those inefficiencies. New York Arrive 1900 BMT 1400 Local Aircraf t Turnround Depart 0100 GM T . They ensure aircraft are separated over the ocean, where there is little radar coverage. Once airborne and enroute, about an hour from the Oceanic Entry Point at 50W, the crew will request their Oceanic Clearance from Gander, as per this flight plan route. [citation needed]. Have you ever wondered how pilots navigate and communicate during the journey? Cargo flights often fly across the Atlantic at times when the tracks are flowing in the opposite direction, so they fly random routes. Thanks for reading! Each route is uniquely identified by a letter of the alphabet. CPDLC is a hell of a lot better than HF, but the target time for the same sequence of events is 240 seconds, or 4 minutes. Each aircraft with HF has its ownSelCal code assigned to it. ADS and CPDLC can send data over SatCom (satellite), VHF, and HF radio so they work great over the ocean.