Between Vances office and coming back to the bullpen, hed made some arrangements in regards to this session. But dont expect miracles. He put his hand over the back of Tonys still-clenched fist and squeezed briefly. It didnt help that the medication they were using to treat the inflammation in his brain was making Tony grumpy as all hell and he was much less tolerant of anything than the Tony Gibbs was used to. He wanted Tony in his life for the long haul. Joking about you being in the Village People, and you talking about dating your music teacher in high school?, Okay, wait. Im not saying that, Gibbs! It wasnt easy to make things out. Gibbs, you dont understand. Being gay and being in the Air Force is still a big no-no, DADT is very much a thing, unless you know something I dont John. Thank you for the kind words on characterization. Is my leg gonna be okay?, Doc thinks so; if you do your rehab and follow orders.. Thats not exactly grooming him to be an SFA, Vance commented. I was proud of Gibbs for sticking out Tonys hostility and desire for isolation and bringing him home to a revamped (and re-ramped) house and then ending his Silence. This level of detail is clearly for Duckys benefit, because I dont understand what the hell youre talking about. As visiting hours neared their end, they had tried to persuade Gibbs to leave, but he had just glared and said no. You dont want to be charged with assaulting a federal agent., No one is going to know anything about you, ever again. There is no excuse. What did you hear?, I know that you dont exactly look like Royal Woods material, Tony said lightly. Fuck, everything hurts.. Tony just stared at him, expression primarily stuck on astonishment, but he thought hed seen a moment of happiness in there. You just let me bring over the one little TV in the bedroom.. I was the one who escorted that Marine up here from Security earlier. Jack broke the heavy moment by handing them a small box that contained a crystal Christmas ornament featuring a couple penguins with the year etched on the back. "Well right now the director wants us in MTAC stat so you can continue worrying later." Gibbs said before exiting . Gibbs nodded his acceptance of the diversion, got in his car and sped out of the parking lot. He called a little over an hour ago at 11:02 AM asking for backup. Theyll both be suspended immediately. Very well. But maybe it was time to let the memories breathe. Nathan hates Jack Carter with everything he isright? Several weeks ago. Being angry was no stranger to Gibbs. Your roommate? Tony asked skeptically, and Gibbs would have been skeptical, too. Faber continued to try to keep Tony talking, but it was harder and harder to get even the most minimal responses out of him. Tony was sighing because he knew the man. I regret that NCIS isnt military so I can have them both thrown in Leavenworth for dereliction of duty., Expression conveying surprise, Tony managed, Boss, Jesus, Tony, how can you think Id want to keep them around? I wondered what it would take to kill your silence is this it? There have to be consequences and this is understandable and everything isnt perfect but its real. There was the sound of a punch and a grunt of pain. This site contains fan works, all recognizable canon characters, settings, plot, etcetera, are the property of their respective owners. Im trying not to read too much into this, he admitted. This is the story of her life, her love, and her recovery. Stuff like that. He must have seen the fucking cop there. Sorry ;). Ducky chuckled as he handed off Gibbs bag. Duck., Oh, quite right, Jethro. No. Because that is never acceptable in my book. He stepped back, giving her space. Mike Banning is pulled online due to Tony coming online and he immediately starts hunting for him along with several other Sentinels and Guides. At first, I stayed on as an NCIS liaison with the project but after Director Morrow went to Homeland seven months after I was attacked, the new Director pushed to have me brought back. Im a realist, Gibbs. I sure as hell wont, and as much as I hate shrinks, Ill be asking for a psych eval if you even think about it, he retorted immediately. Were thinking of buying the house on the other side of the circle, and wondered what you thought of the neighborhood.. Lunsford caught up to the other agent and shook his head. I adore stories based on that episode, and this one was beautiful. Tony screamed when what could only be a foot slammed down on his knee. You really want to go with that? That was not a criticism, Jethro, simply an expression of urgency., Gibbs ran a hand through his hair. Gibbs, were a family. Her eyes filled with tears, but he found himself completely unmoved since the tears werent for the person who needed them right now. thank you for writing. When he was nearly out of his head with pain, or when he was unconscious from pain medication? Gibbs bit out. The more time passed, the more Tony let go of any guilt he felt over the loss of the team, but shedding that guilt opened the door for the justified anger. The next morning Tony was exercising behind his desk. Kind of. Im afraid my enthusiasm quite ran away with me. Hell, it could have imploded if things had gone right. But much more exuberant than one might expect.. Having had enough of his coworkers harassment and bullying, not to mention working under a boss who sees him as nothing more then a tool McGee had wrote up reports on DiNozzo, Gibbs and Abby for turning them into the director. When did you manage this?. I know you, man, the second anonymous voice said. And Ziva and McGee? Tony had mostly done well, but there had been a few complications along the way, largely due to the head injury. The disciplinary committee will have a hearing on Tuesday to determine what happens to McGee and David.. Ducky was continually poking at Gibbs about his own feelings on the matter of his former team, but for Gibbs the matter was simple; theyd betrayed Tony and him, and that was it. fic glossing over the coms incident while trying to make it all romantic how Ziva saved Tony from the bomb! I thought you were going to do sports or something. I need a timestamp on when Tony started taking voiceprints, when they stopped monitoring based on the log, and when Tony was attacked. ducky is totally my favourite. I havent seen them but maybe someone else can help?, Axelrod walked up, I overheard, youre looking for Agent Gibbs or Agent DiNozzo?, Well, DiNozzo is still searching the apartment, he was given a lift there after the incident with the FBI on the Beltway. Without replying, Gibbs left the small consult room and let Ducky take him to Tony. He met Tonys beautiful green eyes as he began steadily pressing inside. Pretty much what it says on the tin. Maybe that should have been a clue. Can I get you something to drink?, John sat on the sofa and looked at the bottle on the table. And that was one of the stupidest things youve ever said., Tonys lips twitched in faint amusement. McGee and Ziva are going to be fired they both think so from the tone of the questioning. I love your take on Tony in every story you have written. Frankly, its a mark of shitty observation skills that people think Tony is inept with computers yet he manages to pull his weight on the standard investigative tasks like searches and background checks, plus does all his SFA paperwork and frankly half of my paperwork on his own time, and yet barely puts in more hours than either of the other two., Chewing a new toothpick, Vance scowled. Aside from general sprains and contusions, he has a displaced fracture of the tibial shaft, which will require surgery; a gunshot wound to the upper chest near the left shoulder the bleeding is controlled, but we wont know the extent of the damage until we operate; a concussion, hes in and out of consciousness and very disoriented when hes awake, hes having a CT scan now; and finally, I believe hes slowly bleeding into his abdomen. i can also really see Abby behaving the way you have written her here. As soon as I turned it back up, I could hear the sounds of the crime scene being processed even through the evidence bag we placed Tonys mic in.. Vances eyes narrowed and he jammed a toothpick in his mouth. They only listened to the surveillance feed for about a half hour. Either Tony is comfortable with the other, yet, they are not so secretly pining for someone else, and they are aiming high the one fell for his boss a long time ago (even though the bastards really working hard on breaking his heart), and the other has set his eyes (and his heart) on nothing less than a God. How does he ever manage it? I just printed it.. Listen.. As he walked, he made a couple comments designed to entertain McGee and David and then noted the address he was approaching. Thanks so much! I love you, too, was whispered against Gibbs ear. I used to watch the show every week with a friend who was a community service officer. And even before that, he never got given big cases. And DiNozzo was out having drinks with him. Gibbs jaw clenched at the first request for backup, and Vances toothpick snapped. I know you thought you were backing up your partner, he had a hard time not sneering through that, but you should have shut up and cooperated., He took a sip of his coffee, which was almost gone, then leaned back in his chair, arms crossed over his chest. Tony decided he really needed to wind down and didnt want to be alone. Lost In Her Past (Civil War Fanfi. No, Tony. He still didnt think it looked right. Come on, DiNozzo, time to wake up., Eyes still closed, he made some raspy noise. I was never home and she wanted me to quit the Air Force or take a desk jockey position in the US. Oh, not about the complications surrounding Tony, but rather about taking the day. Gibbs took both reports and started out of the bullpen. It was Lunsford, an agent who worked on the same floor as the MCRT. He had threatened plenty but he would never really show it around. Good to see you Mason, didnt want to impose on an old - friendship under these circumstances. And now he was late to work because his car had broken down and he was staying over an hour away with an old flame because the heat and power in his apartment still wasnt fixed. NCIS is something of a borderline fandom; it's not huge, but there's a fair amount of fic out there. He let that go. You installed a wheelchair ramp?. He was still pale, but it was made worse by the bruises that had come up overnight in a horrible patchwork of blues and purples and reds. What happens when Ian finds out that Charlie is in danger? Eyes narrowed, Gibbs countered, You want to know why, you ask Tony. Shed never asked about or tried to see Tony. But, for now, he had to focus on Tony. Let him know his kind wasnt welcome at NCIS. Gibbs wasnt sure how that could equate to doing well. They planned to reduce his pain medication to what he needed for the other injuries and try some other combination of drugs for the headaches. With some reluctance, he called and advised Vance that Abby was very wrapped up in the situation with McGee and David. Summary: Tony comes online as a sentinel when his partner/pretend mate's life is threatened. He poked Tony in the side for exposing his new reading habits to his father, then reached for his last gift.