General Info; Craft Info; Craft Ship; Ship Data; Shop Prices; Harbour Map; Travel Balloon (i) Lynx; Traders Brig; Traders Lynx; Traders Cutter . So if you battle in a rattlesnake, even if you lose it your next rattlesnake will have the xp you gained earlier, etc. Base Ingredients. Naval Action is an exciting, realistic, and beautifully detailed multiplayer naval combat game immersing players into the experience of the most beautiful period of naval history - when sailing ships ruled the seas. Would it be possible to make it online, this way you may not even have to update it yourself, as in google docs. Certain ships construction need unique components, with differing amounts of resources needed in each ships crafting recipe. If you want to apply other markups use the yellow boxes at the top. Certaines donnes gographiques de ce site sont fournies par, Espaol-Latinoamrica (Espagnol - Amrique latine),, The level also defines which quests are available at the ports. Speed was increased across for all vessels to get Endymion to their target speed. Map is enormous - you cannot see another shore of lake Maracaibo. It's been a while since I've played Naval Action, I'm on the PvP server but will be doing a mix of PvP and AI battles. The Ship Craft Helper helps you to organize your shopping and crafting ships and modules for Naval Action. This decision cannot be changed easily and will force you to completely restart your character. At the moment all calculated values use level 1 building outputs. Austal shall abide by the requirements of 41 CFR 60-1.4 (a), 60-300.5 (a) and 60-741.5 (a). As soon as you can move on from medium guns, do so. There is only one real way to level up, and thats to get in a ship and fight. Game Update Section - Because the game is being regularly updated, the Updates section at the bottom will contain my analysis of updates that occur since the guide has been posted. Start early with cheap basic resources you know you will need down the road and use all your labor hours each day starting to build up your stockpile. Easier Access to Party-Based Action - Clans make participating in RVR (Realm vs Realm), HDFs (Home Defense Fleets of elite NPCs), etc. A Comprehensive Guide to Naval Action (Up-to-Date). Chest/upgrade farming can be done at any time and it is a particularly good way to level up when you are just starting out, which I will cover it in more detail in the levelling section. Constitution very valuable, but they can usually 1v1 any pirate ship. You wont even be able to use the Redoutable until you can crew at least 500, and even then it is going to be very undercrewed. This is an extremely profitable way to level up and a good use of your time. Bermuda is fastest standard wood, and new England fir is the fastest wood in the game. However the spreadsheet I created for my own use before the wipe did allow this (and to add actual purchase prices for any item to use instead of crafting costs) but was harder to use. Dalian Shipbuilding Company is the largest shipbuilding yard in China and is a part of the CSIC. The game is installed locally on my computer and steam sharing is off. Small traders now need carriages. *This is for an exceptional live oak Yacht with speed and stiffness, unless i am mistaken everyone gets exactly the same yacht. This carries over across all ships of that kind. Blueprints. I wouldnt recommend selling cannons/reps at the capital because the market is likely oversaturated already. If you are in a ship with much less crew than the enemy, do not approach them until they actually sink or you risk being boarded and taken before they sink - even NPCs will do this. So im lvl 6 at crafting and can finally build a ship i will use. Cosine The cosine is the ratio expressed by dividing the side adjacent to the angle by the hypotenuse. Home Naval Action Naval Action Gameplay Discussions Guides Ship Crafting Resource Calculator and Price Estimate Contact Us. How many players are playing Naval Action right now on Steam? Every battle action is calculated on the servers, even water and wave shapes. The resulting handling of ship also depends on whether the wood used is fir, teak, oak, or live oak (live oak being the slowest but strongest, with fir the fastest but weakest). It's quite basic; the only calculations are on the first 'Calculator' sheet; the rest is just data. So you are at the point where you need to do the final exam - as discussed above, the two strategies for completing it are either when you are just starting out and have done nothing, or as soon as you reach Second Lieutenant. The Secretary of the Navy should ensure that the Naval Sea Systems Command develop and implements goals, action plans, milestones, and a monitoring process for its Shipyard Performance to Plan initiative to address the main factors contributing to maintenance delays and improving the timely completion of ship maintenance at Navy shipyards. At its best you want to be taking on 2 6th rates for a max reward 7th rate mission. These are per one, not per blueprint quantity. Quality: Basic. Removing any other accounts or computers that were authorized in steam sharing even though steam sharing is off. Find the closest ports to your shipyard with these woods. Naval Academy Midshipman 1st Class Anders Gulbrandson, 22, of Orono, Minnesota, was recently selected as a Churchill Scholar. Board ships and sell them and their cargo at nearby ports. There are also modules within the game that cannot be crafted, instead only recovered from other ships after battle. Alongside commercial vessels, military ships are a major source of revenue due to China's ever-expanding naval fleet. Fishing is still very useful and when you are sailing most of the time you can just keep it on while you are doing other things. Fortunately, the basic cutter is free to buy in any port and you can easily grind early 7th rate missions with it at zero risk. By And more is definitely better. Find out how you can contribute. Use nation chat to ask if clans are recruiting, find information out about which clans are most active, etc. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Mandatory Elite Spanish or Pirate Rrig Refit on fast builds - Meta for Open World PVP is speed. The lower the number the slower it is at turning. Blomefield Guns - Elite, dropped by elite NPCs. The admiralty DLC is a good consideration for solo players as it will expand your warehouses and give you more dock space. Cannot be produced. Because of timing and last minute switches, the boarding game is a chess-match with particular moves that you will see happen over time and counters based on them. Any of those links in the chain can be disrupted by gankers.\. Undercrewed ships will have a lower BR value. To teleport your character, press z and then select which outpost you would like to go to. Build Strength (affects structure hitpoints). So keep that in mind. This will show you basic information about the largest/most active clans in your Nation. The redout is the best dlc ship you can get as compared to its peers and does everything. Naval Action Craft General Information Player Ranks The current level determine the maximum crew size and a bigger crew size is needed to handle bigger ships properly. The quality of the finished upgrade you can make depends on the players crafting level. Taxes have been added in build 11. As soon as you have enough to get an adeqaute trade ship (or 2), you should start running cargo missions that go. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. The current level determine the maximum crew size and a bigger crew size is needed to handle bigger ships properly. The vic is the one you'll use the most in the endgame. The only blueprint change is the Rattlesnake Heavy now needing 5 fewer Provisions. You can fire your broadside cannons while boarding by pressing the '[' and ']' keys. The pickle and im wondering what wood type i should use. Outposts can be placed in any faction or free port on the map. This page was last edited on 18 January 2023, at 17:42. It will cost you some reals based on the distance teleported (usually less than 10k). Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). This is from the API, but don't ask me how the last three columns are applied. Do note that premium ships cannot be crafted. If anyone wants me to, please post blueprints of any two ships in every trim. These are from the API. I have not gone through checking what other changes there are, but there are plenty. Wow thank you so much for this info! Other people have posted about API MaxSpeed, but I never really looked into it myself. Listing and wind affects the shooting distance and will require change of tactics. The basic idea is to find a method of obtaining upgrades, determining how much they are worth, and selling them. They can all drop wooden chests so make sure to have someone grab them as soon as an enemy is sunk. It won't provide all the important information and could leave out some elite small groups, but for someone with absolutely no idea what clans are in their nation this is a much better way to look for a group than simply by asking in Nation. Ships recipes randomly drop either when crafting ships, or when breaking up a ship (which can also give crafting resources). I've corrected an error. Cosine The cosine is the ratio expressed by dividing the side adjacent to the angle by the hypotenuse. Production buildings produce resources through the day at a certain rate. You can also turn your ship into a brander by using special fittings. : 91 577 99 72 - - - @aecarretera - #InformeAEC Iron Ingots, Silver Ingots, Copper Ingots, Canvas Rolls, Wooden Fittings, Iron Fittings, Copper Ingots, Iron Fittings, Wooden Fittings, Planks, Iron Fittings,Cordage and Oakum, Wooden Fittings, Iron Fittings, Cordage and Oakum, Planks, Crafting Notes, Red Wood Log, American Cotton, Cordage and Oakum, Iron Ingots, Silver Ingots,Red Wood Log, Cases, Crafting Notes, Cordage and Oakum, Iron Fittings, Wooden Fittings, Precise Parts, Copper Ingots, Cordage and Oakum, Iron Fittings, Lignum Vitae Log, Wooden Fittings, Crafting Notes, Iron Fittings, Live Oak Log, Wooden Fittings, Red Wood Log, Copper Ingots, Iron Fittings, Wooden Fittings, Cordage and Oakum, Iron Fittings, Coal, Cases, Crafting Notes, Stone Block, Iron Ingots, Cordage And Oakum, Iron Fittings, Crafting Notes. After a ship has been sunk, there is a limited period where the ship can be looted before it disappears underwater (at which point it can no longer be looted). A short and simple overview of ship building in Navan Action.Please leave a like or dislike and subscribe for more content, if you liked the video. Apparently there is a tradeoff in speed versus durability. Create an outpost at free ports close to your own production facility and haul your cargo the short distance there and sell at a premium. As per the patch notes, weights decrease significantly, but the spreadsheet doesn't calculate hauling weights, merely lists them in the Items sheet. Please see the. International Federation of Football History & Statistics. At 100k per, it may be worth buying (since value of materials to craft is about 50k), but much beyond that and it is better to do it yourself. Speed (2-3) - i.e. Sell ships with good port bonusses (from shipcrafting ports) at places with a high volume of players (capital is great, some free ports, and really good trade route hubs, for instance) especially if you know that that location wont have a lot of ships with good port bonusses. Seeferkels, Gunnery Encycopedia, Instructions au Cannoneers, Speed (2-4) - i.e. Blueprint cost is the initial outlay required to purchase the blueprint and are a permanent unlock. Crafting upgrades work similar to crafting ships. Naval Action is a beautiful, complex game. I tried live oak before and fir on another one. A higher crafting level gives you a higher labor hour limit and the ability to craft better ships. Take as large a ship as you can crew fully and farm elites of comparable size either solo or in smaller fleets. Most clans want you to have finished the final exam first. At this point you have three tasks, and they overlap. 6.1 Wood 6.2 Inbuilt modules 7 Useful crafting tools Ships Crafting in the current stage of Naval Actions involves gathering resources to construct ships. Carpenter Slot (2) - i.e. Very helpful guide. although for me its more of a bible :D. One area I am struggling to understand is where are the main hubs for buying ships/upgrades (outside of the capitals) etc. If you use an old version of Excel and want a .xls copy, just ask. Paste as plain text instead, There are solo players and lone wolves, but these are odd creatures, and they are very rare. Start by working on economy missions and work towards getting yourself a fast cheap trading ship. @Chief - Yeah I needed to have that in there will add it! These ingots are then crafted into gold coins, which are used with coal to craft (or buy) Crafting Notes. As for what this number represents, my guess is it is related to the units the game uses for distance and time. Become a dedicated ship crafter is a pretty major decision and heavily restricts your use of outposts to the region you're crafting in (beyond the time requirements and perks). If you have the redout dlc, you can do this with a crew as low as 500 but you have to be much more careful. Production buildings are the start of what will be a player based economy. Just like the Base Ingredients sheet. The Ship Craft Helper helps you to organize your shopping and crafting ships for Naval Action. [Currently using data from the NA database] (P) Planking Characteristic Only. Ship construction requires resources that have to be captured and protected from enemies. Bermuda/bermuda may work on some of the default tanky ships but its still gonna give you a paper tiger that you likely want to avoid. Try to buy them for less than 30k if you can, and make sure they are as fast as possible. Costs and LH change only moderately, and might be entirely due to small changes to lists of ingredients. Angling your ship so that incoming fire will not hit you directly will greatly mitigate the damage you take and can cause shots to bounce off you. Traders Brig (TBrig) 1750 Hold Capacity. 24 months. If you're not crafting them, labor contracts usually go for about 100-250k per on the market - So just this ship in labor could cost you over 25million reals just for the labor contracts. Cotton Sails - Common speed increase mod 1.7%. Its near pointless to target sails while they have rig repair up, just hit hull during this time. Pirate Danmark-Norge France Valve Corporation. So selling them at shipcrafting ports is a good way to make a lot of money on them. Navy Hull Refit - Bought at admiralty, big increase to speed (3.4%). Naval action was named one of the best releases . While a majority of warfare is land-based, the naval aspect of conflict can be incredibly influential in the spheres of trade . Exactly what i was looking for. Remus, i have a question for you, seeing as you are well versed in extracting info from the API. If I find time I'll maybe see if it can be adapted for the post wipe game, and put into a more user-friendly format..But don't hold your breath. So im lvl 6 at crafting and can finally build a ship i will use. Wood and Trim are ignored if you aren't making a ship. Typically you will be attacked by extremely fast 1st rates and trincs. There are also upgrades within the game that cannot be crafted, instead only recovered from other ships after battle or from sealed bottle treasures. Updated to yesterday's unannounced patch. 00:00. Perhaps the in game stats sheet is wrong (have people checked?). If you want a ship to perform a specific role, use this link to see what its broadside weight is for carros or longs. The stats affected in shipbuilding are: HPs Thicknesses (as % from now on) Leaks resistance Crew resistance (splinters) Fire spread resistance Speed Acceleration Turn The woods are: Light woods Fir (high availability, best speed but much splinters and fire spread) Bermuda Cedar (same speed, more tankiness) Medium woods Privacy Policy. You can accept quest which are your level or 1 Just keep in mind that the game is dynamic and port control can change, clan friends lists can change, development can be wiped out, etc. I DO build boats and only know about 1/2 of those values lol. Northern Master Carpenters - best in game, elite. Perhaps there is another value in the API you need to multiply by, which is different for each ship. Hardwoods are back baby. Crafting Notes are typically made from acquiring gold and combining it with coal to create gold ingots. The best port to begin developing might change based on the clan you join or its likelihood of being lost, and doesn't matter at all if you're playing solo (I suppose you could make your own clan, and get added to another's friend list but I'm not sure about the mechanics of it). I'd say the first thing to do is to take a few ships and compare MaxSpeed in the API with the in-game stats sheets to see if there is a multiplication constant. I haven't incorporated this into the spreadsheet. They can be used to block enemy hunters and will still pack a punch. Keeping hardwoods viable without nerfing slower builds, this was obviously needed if they wanted to keep the hardwoods viable after the pen update without making them obsolete. Christian - The best second rate still, but rare permit-wise. The quality of the built-in upgrades of ships depends on how many crafting notes you include in the recipe. All rights reserved. >> Removed the seemingly unused 'Ship Material' values. 12 months. Ship characterstics also change depending on quality, an oak ship with speed that is common would be slower than the exact same ship except it being exceptional. U.S. Congreves - Elite, dropped by elite NPCs. The level 3 fir forest multiplier also looks to be an error). Unfortunately there isn't an easy way to change this. Naval Action Basics: Ship Crafting Guide Michael Sharp 2.62K subscribers Subscribe 23K views 3 years ago 1:00 Shipyard Cost 2:38 Building a Ship Naval Action Basics: Ship Crafting Guide - A. Growing your career as a Full Time NAVAL ARCHITECT is an incredible opportunity to develop excellent skills. Crafting Notes are typically made from acquiring gold and combining it with coal to create gold ingots. Best ways to make money, gain experience, choose the right ships, and more. more easy, and in some cases mandatory, since you won't be able to join certain battles unless you are on a clans friends list (port battles, for instance). These are for the blueprint quantity, exactly as you see in game and also comes straight from the API. There is a way round this which I may incorporate in a future update, but really if you find this sort of thing useful just pick up a cheap copy of Office on ebay and spare yourself - and people like me - the pain of using OpenOffice and ensuring compatibility. The resulting handling of ship also depends on whether the wood used is fir, teak, oak, or live oak (live oak being the slowest but strongest, with fir the fastest but weakest). Calculator. The current state is unknown. SteamDB has been running ad-free since 2012. It has a steep learning curve, and regular updates have meant that the metas have changed drastically without much corresponding updates to most of the commonly available guides online. 6-7th rate ships are usually better off with carros. The sad thing is I'm seeing folks post ships for way below cost and they are loosing money. Certain ports appear to have "gold chest" days more regularly than others (some appear not to have them at all). This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. But many upgrades can be sold for 500k or more so its a good way of earning money when you need it. Wood and Trim Base Ingredients. Unlike permanent upgrades, ship upgrades can be changed at port at any time. teak/teak or teak/bermuda for speed armor combo. Cannot be produced. If you buy a DLC out of the gate, it will only be good as a way to get a few resources from breaking it down and hoping for good rolls you can save for later. Wood multiplier is in the API (though not written as such). Ty i read that also but you know how you select what wood it is built with? You will likely need access to Teamspeak, Discord or both - and having a mic is important. It'll be around 12 from what I recall. To maximize your time, do this in a port that spawns gold chest 6th and 7th rate missions - ask in Nation Chat if anyone knows of any in your faction. link. SteamDB Contribute to SteamDB: help us track data for more games Builds, patches, and notes Builds heatmap All times are UTC. To maximize xp, drop the basic cutter for a privateer (ideal) or pickle (still works) - and continue farming 6th rates. Labour Hours you know all about. For new players or players focused on trading your perk order should be: Sextant, Fleet Control 1. The 6.2 patch added Tanaan Jungle to the game and in order to get the most out of this new area, players need to build a Shipyard to their Garrison. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. Thickness i can't find at all in the API. 12 months. The reputation update will allow you to enter enemy ports in any ship and build there, as long as your reputation has not been decreased by participating in RVR (realm vs realm) battles against that Nation. I'd like a good mix of movability and take some hits at the same time if possible, thanks in advance fellow naval officers o7. Your previous content has been restored. Have an outpost at all these points, and in particular, where youre putting up Sell Contracts so you can tp there and collect it when its done. Wood does not matter. Identify which (2) woods you plan to use for frame and planking. This does not pertain to HDFs, discussed elsewhere. Endymions Very mobile, and pack a punch. It is only visible to you. I strongly recommend you to join a clan to learn the ropes, get help and support in terms of ships and gear. PS, disregard my questions on the old post you are no longer updating, I had saved an version of it and had questions about some of the data that this post renders unnecessary. Clear editor. Other Major Ship Building . The spreadsheet does not incorporate taxes. First off just wanted to say great info in this thread to all who have contributed. All Information for the Traders Brig. Apparently there is a tradeoff in speed versus durability. Remus, June 9, 2017 in Guides - development forum, Updated to Build 11 - but with errors (see first paragraph below link). Ship characteristics can be changed by using different types of wood for production. I've given up playing but happened to see there was a patch today so I've updated the spreadsheet with new API data. When you open the map, hover your mouse cursor over an enemy port - a circle will show up around that port.