Jack Hyles taught that an unsaved person does not have to repent to be saved. It was his OWN fault for having sex with another woman (especially a teenager) but where was Cindy when he was counselling this girl? Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. How many have been secretly let go from their positions, and are roaming free or getting involved with another Independent Baptist Church? I fear my wife far more than I do God. Yeah. No church discipline was given to them for committing such and act. One simply does not give another woman, not your wife, that kind of money without questions being raised, nor to a woman having marital problems. Charged with 16 counts of sexual indecent with children and molesting young girls. I suggest that we mark a date on our calendar, and on that date we burn the earth to ashes including every idol; every coin; every dollar bill; every temple; every human being; every grave; every crypt; and every blasphemous, ungodly, perverted, lying human being. 4) Schaap having sex with the teen in his office. At least 5 of them were guilty of violent acts of abuse. JACK HYLES COVERED UP THE GROSS IMMORALITY, ADULTERIES, AND PERVERSIONS OF HIS SON DAVE HYLES . But if what he said about her is true all I can say is wow. As a close witness of. Charged with statutory rape of two girls in the youth group. One, for his trips to an Illinois forest preserve, was that he needed to spend time with God walking and praying. To explain his taking the girl alone to his Michigan cabin, he told his assistant that he needed to spend extended periods of time alone with the girl to save herboth literally and spirtually. He received a 24-year sentence. 5. After many years of hearing accusations by many witnesses in FBCH and being an eyewitness himself to what went on, he decided to research and investigate so much of the apparent corruption that went on at FBCH under Hyles, and as an attorney trained to scrutinize the evidence, he found the accusations about Hyles to be true. Bob Jones University, which kicked him out of the Divinity program, remained silent about his crime. My heart sank., Schaap continued to preach the message that it is a sin to criticize anyone. They were caught in a lawsuit with the severe spanking of a student. http://articles.latimes.com/1985-06-19/local/me-9251_1_el-cajon, GREG NEAL HYLES -ANDERSON GRADUATE / PASTOR ON STAFF OF BEREAN BAPTIST CHURCH IN ORANGE PARK, FLORIDA. Cindy Schaap, who has spent her entire life in this church, addressed the congregation during the festive occasion. Hyles gave no response to his letter. He said, Ive noticed Dr. Hyles went to the rescue of men who were in trouble with their church on account of alleged sexual sin. Nelson relates that he knew a man in Atlanta, Georgia, a pastor, who without a doubt was involved in sin. Nelson said that Hyles went down and worked with the church, attempting to keep the man there. Your chance at a second chance will depend on what you did with your first chance. I have found at least 44 independent witnesses who posted their testimonies online who are connected with FBCH/HAC. word by Jack Hyles He ruled the children and me with an iron hand, and was physically violent with us because Hyles said that men were the ruler of their families. Another witness said that their dad would follow Hyles handbook on child raising, and was very abusive he would use his belt and he would not care where it hit. 1. In order to get a head start in your preparation for upcoming examinations such as JAMB, NECO and WAEC, we have made available for you free past question papers that are relevant to this years examination. This person recounted how her father was reported by a neighbor for child abuse. Youre not fit to be a deacon in a Baptist church. Sermon: This Is Not Your Rest, preached 1-13-1979. She also witnessed the control Jack Hyles had over every small detail of her families day-to-day lives. REGARDING THE MONEY OF FBCH, HIS PREACHING AGAINST BIBLE BELIEVERS, HIS PREACHING ON CHURCH DISCIPLINE, HIS PREACHING ON NOT GIVING THE APPEARANCE OF EVIL, AND THE CHILD-RAISING OF HIS OWN SON. 3. He was charged with seven counts of sexual battery and four counts of corruption with a minor. If I were going to that church, I would not stop going to church just because of some bad people. Schaap was leader for 11 years to a fundamentalist church, which Outreach Magazine had once ranked as among the top 20 largest in the nation. (Witnesses: Judy Nischik Johnson p 389, 391, 397-398). Schaap goes on to also sexualize another phrase that follows Psalm 119: I have stuck to thy testimonies. In his own words from the same book: The word stuck means the act of a man entering his wife; it is sexual intercourse. He is completely wrong once again. What exactly is extreme sex drive? Bob Gray, Sr, the author of When Principle Was King: The Life Principles of Dr. Jack Hyles, was featured at a Bible conference in April 2012 at Faith Baptist Church, Oak Creek, WI. HE WILL! 5) Hyles also keeps Jennie on staff, even though she continued to live in an open state of rebellion against her husband for years. Even if Wilkerson is a good guy, and Im not accusing him of wrongdoing, the damage that Hyles (and Schaap) have done and continue to do through their past influence is immense and has simply not gone away, even with the change in FBCH leadership. In short, it is of no assistance in offering even the faintest guidance to our modern day to day existence. All the alleged victims were poor children that were bussed to church by Foeller. The trademarks, names and logos are the property of their respective companies. I will never forget how [he] looked me in the eyesand told me how great my daughter was doing, the father wrote in a victims impact statement. I would highly encourage you to listen to a sermon preached in 1989 by Pastor Roger Voegtlin of Fairhaven Baptist Church. David would also be physically and psychologically abusive with his children. ' Jerrell committed suicide in his jail cell as the investigation closed in on him. HYLES SERMONS REGARDING NOT LISTENING TO ACCUSATIONS. FBCH is under new leadership. Is Chrysanthemum led Todd to adhere to the live shows greatest gift and Tim & # x27 t! Hyles allowed Vic and Jennie to live in a separated state for years, and even used his own money to make sure that they remained separated. 34 of these churches and leadership didnt defend or support the victims or their families. Dave committed even more adulterous affairs than he did at Miller Road Baptist. MANY CHURCHES ARE COVERING UP THE SINS OF THESE PERVERTS . 1 of them was a staff member of FBCH, 3 of them are Hyles Proteges and Fanatical Hyles Devotees. They do not tolerate dissent and they have complete control when there is complete agreement. How many more are out there, serving in leadership or staff positions that havent been caught? He told him you realize you are not limited to a local church. Its called quick prayerism because it specializes in quick presentations and quick decisions and an overall lack of spiritual and biblical depth. 4) Walt Handford, a pastor and son-in-law of the late John R. Rice, begged Hyles by letter and in person to speak to him about the matter, but he would not. Way of Life Literature, P.O. In 2012, a judge sentenced Jack Schaap to twelve years in prison. I left. Pray for the family and pray for the victims in this. No one knew about the income of FBCH or Hyles Publications, not even the deacons or the Treasurer of the deacons board. He remains an IFB pastor in good standing across the IFB. 12. Schaap, on a regular basis, severely criticized men older than himself in staff meetings before their friends and peers. Video: Hyles being idolized by college girls. Charged for molesting two young girls ages 12 and 13. Charged with three counts of lewd act on a minor. Understand, these are only the ones who have been caught. I can only imagine how different THAT world might be. There is also no record of any IFB pastor censuring and exposing Butler for what he has done. He told about how if he saw a certain preacher lying beside a woman with his mouth on hers, he would assume he was giving mouth- to-mouth resuscitation. If you ever missed a week you were told you didnt love your sailors and wanted them all to go to Hell. Church Of Jackson Pastor Pleads For Action Within The Body Of [VIDEO] Abortion Clinic Escort Calls For The Vehicular Assault Of Abolitionist. 13) According to Judy, Vic and Jennies daughter, all communication in the Nischik home was passed through Jack Hyles. Yes, Jack fell and is disgustingly gross but his wife did not help the situation. Jack A Scharp, Jack A Schaap and Jack Allan Schaap are some of the alias or nicknames that Jack has used. http://articles.courant.com/2004-01-07/news/0401070414_1_youth-pastor-sexually-abused, JAMES JAY ROBINSON FORMER PASTOR AT SOUTHWOOD BAPTIST CHURCH, FORT WORTH, TX. Pastor Tom Neal hid the videotape till the statute of limitations had elapsed. HYLES PREACHED THAT FUNDAMENTALISM AND ITS PASTORS WOULD RISE AND FALL BECAUSE OF HIM. The juvenile residents knew about Wilsons anger problem. They turned a blind eye to his crimes. My dad was a lucky one The thing was, the reports (of abuse) were absolutely true. Video: The Exaltation, Worship, and Pride of Hyles at his 70th Birthday. Because I attended the church / school / activities for years and slowly saw what was happening. A former member of FBCH and graduate of HAC and Hyles-Anderson Seminary reviewed this book and said, This book validated for me the intensively cultic, manipulative and controlling nature of these institutions. So, if this rebirth has happened it cannot unhappen. Told one of the victims, I am like God in this church, and you are just a little girl. The church supported him even with the charges. Liu saw his net worth fall to $12.4 billion, putting him at No. At least 25 of the churches showed no support for the victims or their family. One victim had her tires slashed. One Pastors School attender said that he has received dozens of communications from Hyles inviting people to various conferences at his church. 19 of them were either placed or kept in their positions at the church with at least some of the leadership having knowledge that this person was committing or had committed crimes, and they turned a blind eye to it. Also, if you get many independent witnesses, who are all liars, to testify in court about one person who they say is guilty, you are going to get a lot of contradictions in their stories. Please stop lying about IFB churches. The church leadership did not tell the congregation what was going on. Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. In one of his sermons, Jack Hyles was bragging that at 73 years old, he is starting a $4 million dollar building program, that he just bought a charismatic church, he just bought a hotel, he just bought a vacant lot, and is about to start 2 more schools. (Voyle Glover p 271), Some of you deaconslayin at home on a Sunday night while the preachers preaching. This basically provides a shorter summery of what I will cover. He sexualized his sermons and biblical illustrations, preached false doctrine, and seduced a 16-year-old girl by using his spiritual authority to prey on her blind loyalty. It is sickening to me that a man who claims to be a messenger of God, with a daughter of his own, would take advantage of a young girl in such an evil and immoral manner.. http://sacramento.cbslocal.com/2011/12/08/rio-linda-baptist-pastor-convicted-of-molesting-5-girls/, TONY DENTON FORMER COUNSELOR OF TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH IN JACKSONVILLE, NC. Paula, Daves first wife, said that their physical relationship was almost non-existent. The child was a 14-year-old boy. And many more in FBCH knew about his affairs. He left the church without facing church discipline and with no follow up. http://www.therandolphleader.com/news/article_c20f153e-3e30-5b24-bb09-8b0795de5d01.html, STEPHEN DOUGLAS BERRY FORMER ASSOCIATE PASTOR AND YOUTH PASTOR OF NEW LIFE BAPTIST CHURCH IN UNION, SC. Yet not once during our divorce did he reach out and try to reconcile us. 50 people came out to support Ted Butler at his trial. No IBF church or pastor has censured him or made a move to protect the innocent against this repeat offender. It bothered Nelson greatly that Hyles was going about the country trying to keep pastors who had fallen into adultery in the pulpit. Sentenced for abuse by dumping trash on a mentally handicapped volunteer after he was forced to lie down blindfolded in the church parking lot. One of the girls became pregnant because of it. (Schaaps wife, Cindy, divorced him in 2014.) He boasted that three-quarters of a million people have been saved over the years at FBCH. In just one fragment of one sermon (Covenant of Salt) there were 58 references to himself directly. The following details listed below are the table of contents, providing an outline for what I have researched and explain in much more detail throughout the majority of this paper. Hyles followers have been conditioned for many years not to listen to anything bad. Her husband wanted her to quit her job because of the affair that Dr. Hyles was having with Jennie Nischik. 1. They diligently followed up on these individuals but were extremely disappointed to find that not even one was interested in the things of Christ. He sat by and did nothing about the sins of Dave. The estimated total over the 18 years in which Hyles gave financial gifts to her in one form or another is $100,000. I would consider this a good model of public rebuke for any IFB church to imitate. He and his brother decided to punish an 11-year-old boy for cheating during his Bible studies. They bring him a wheel barrow full of cash. This affair happened in multiple states and is being investigated by local and national authorities. But not believing it can have a significant impact on your life in this world and in eternity to come. EYEWITNESS #1: VOYLE A. GLOVER: FUNDAMENTAL SEDUCTION: THE JACK HYLES CASE. A pastors wife, not included in her husbands counselling of any female should be taboo! Schaap, as mentioned above, is now in prison. A second victim came forward that alleged that he was molested when he was 10 years old. As people elevated Jack Hyles in their minds by the stories he would tell about himself, lies, embellishments, and distortions were more easily accepted. Convicted for molesting a 7-year-old girl. In court, Dave Hyles invoked the 5th amendment and Brenda was a no show. Its not enough to say they are liars without any proof. These dress down sessions were often laced with tirades of vulgarity that would make locker room banter seem mild by comparison. Only one party is shown as a resident of NC; the other is shown to be a resident of Boyd County, KY. The wife receives her husbands body, In the sermon he preached titled A Polished Shaft, Schaap was literally masturbating with a stick of wood as an illustration in this infamous sermon. HYLE USED FEAR AND BRIBES TO KEEP THINGS SECRET, A graduate of Hammond Baptist High School and a member of FBCH talked about allegations that surfaced such as payoffs to faculty members who threatened to leave or expose things there. This witness said that if you went against the wishes of Hyles, you were publicly blackballed. They gave the example of George Godfrey whos house was broken into and his honorary doctorate from Hyles-Anderson College was stolen. This site is not part of the Facebook or Facebook, Inc. site. Fifteen women total have come forward reporting his abuse. 2 were wives of loyal Hyles followers. 10. AS A RESULT OF HIS INFLUENCE, MANY CHILDREN HAVE BEEN SEVERELY ABUSED BY CHURCH LEADERSHIP AND PARENTS. 1 was a member of Miller Road Baptist Church when Dave Hyles was pastor there. ABOVE) ARE FULL OF DUNG UNLESS &-OR UNTIL YOU ALL GET +++BORN-AGAIN+++ SPIRITUALLY ACCORDING TO THE TRUE KING JAMES HOLY BIBLE ala ST. JOHN CHAPTER THREE (3) VERSES 1-16 ! He held himself so high and was thought of as being above Biblical practice. 1 exploited a married woman during counseling in order to have an affair. He had to control everything. He pled guilty to the possession of child porography. All texts are the intellectual property of this site. Jack Hyles would not discuss it with Vic and would not answer the allegations. He told Paula how much he resented his dad for it. Then get down on your knees and pray for yourself because brother Steven, you need prayer. He wants us to marry + become eternal lovers!, 3) Schaaps cover stories for his numerous rendezvous with the teen. She said her father was extremely abusive and was abusive for many years. The HAC student had expressed many opinions about Hyles with one being Jack Hyles is the Elijah of this generation. One of Hyles personal body guards from 1978-83 said, I met with him personally and saw his megalomania and personal greed. Another witness told his wife while listening to Hyles preach I wonder who Jack Hyles will exalt tonight? No, I believe I will kill you twice! God makes no personal house calls because if God saw you. reputation and ministry. Nelson promised Hyles that he would go across the country to clear your name, if the stories were false, and that if they were true, that Hyles needed to get on your knees and get right with God. Hyles never answered his letter. 12) Dave Hyles and Brenda Stevens brought her baby to Illinois with them who she had with David Stevens. Concise. He also allowed Dave to marry her when he knew his sons wickedness, and didnt even warn her. Rewards were given to those who reached certain numbers, even a gold ring. Bruce, what happened my brother? 7 of them were charged with different sexual predatory acts. The only time he spoke about his sons sins was many years later in the early 90s when flyers were being passed out at Pastors school that showed Daves pornographic ads in porn magazines. He saw firsthand, the broken marriages, destroyed family structures, and wrecked lives of new believers because of Davids affairs. 20 on this year's list of China's 100 Richest . Here are the 13 serious accusations that I individually explore in much detail later on. The victim said that Schaap made her believe that what they were doing was right in Gods eyes. He preached that his valleys are higher than most folks mountains, and that he preached to more people than any man alive. Schaap was vicious, demeaning, and mean to his subordinates, often humiliating them in front of peers. Oullette). Do you know a competent doctor I could chat with about that? 6. He used word and concept associations that were sophisticated psychological techniques. Hyles followers have been conditioned through mind control and brainwashing over the years not to listen to anything bad. You know why I do? Jeremy Schaap was born on the 23rd August 1969, in New York City, USA, and is a TV reporter as well as a sportswriter and an author, who is most famous for his engagements on ESPN's "Outside the Lines", "E:60" and "Sports Center" programs, for which he has been honored with eight Sports Emmy Awards to date. Pleads guilty to trying to entice a grieving 17-year -old male into bondage sex. If Hyles had dealt with his son the right away, instead of lying about him, covering up his sin, and going so far as to send him to be a pastor in Texas, just how many destroyed marriages would have been prevented? He made people believe Dave Hyles was great spiritually. When she asked him if it was wrong, he told her no and that she was a precious gift from God. When Judy was a teenager, she recalls one time that she went to Hyles office to ask her mom a question. He continued to preach, If I were Gods pastor I would remind him and say, God you need man., In the sermon, Thank you Adam, Hyles preached the theme of thanking Adam for sinning. Do you seriously think that your peculiar interpretations of the King James Bible are from God and are not your personal private conclusions about the text? (renews at {{format_dollars}}{{start_price}}{{format_cents}}/month + tax). New Zealand is just eight days away from successfully eliminating Covid-19. Indicted for sexual abuse with a second-degree felony charge of engaging in an improper relationship with a student. Vic took it to the deacons. You have not one iota, one speck of proof for even the existence of your Hateful Boss. It was taught by leaders in FBCH and by Hyles that if a wife had marriage problems, that going soul-winning would allow God to take her problems away. Nobody!theres nothing so deadly as for Gods people to talk about each other! Sermon: The Danger of Union, preached 4-13-70 (Voyle Glover p 54, 56), Im not going to lift up my hand against Gods anointed He may hurt me, but if hes Gods man, I dont wanna hurt him I dont wanna criticize him Sermon: I Have Sinned, preached August 1972 (Voyle Glover p 56), I often say this: I do not believe an accusation against a brother or a sister unless I saw it happen or they admitted it happened I did not say it is not true. Their church and family have continued to defend them. (Witnesses: Voyle Glover p 296-297 (Georges Godfreys letter), 442; Paula Hyles Polonco Part 2 1:42; Judy Nischik Johnson Book Interview p 393). Other witnesses reported the following: One wife of a Hyles follower said that her ex-husband ruled our home with every spoken The following is by Pastor Matt McPhillips, Court Street Baptist Church, Port Huron, Michigan, pastorcourtstreet@sbcglobal.net --. 63 different Independent Fundamental Baptist churches around the country are connected to these alleged criminals. Never fear Morris, jus kiddin ya, ya dingwilly wobbler Have you always been like this, did they get you young like they got me? (Witnesses: Voyle Glover p 203, 205- 206, 210-211, 214, 442; News Investigation Video: Preying from the Pulpit 30:32). The former pastor of a northwest Indiana megachurch on Wednesday was sentenced to 12 years in prison for having a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old parishioner. This is the next chapter in the. Jesus is still on the throne. Hyles said he would never criticize another Bible-believer and was so adamant about speaking evil of another person. They didnt investigate it, they did not question Hyles, but have remained blindly loyal to him, even after his death. According to your personal interpretation, divorce because of adultery is permitted. So you gave up the faith you once believed in? Jack Hyles not only hid his sons sins but sent him to be a ticking time bomb as pastor at that church. Several squad cars and Lake County coroners van were on scene as of 9 p.m. Monday, with a side street of the Winfield Commons subdivision lar. (Jack Hyles is preaching in this subtle way that as long as you have done many good acts for God, you can get away with sins like adultery. IFB Churches (at least 63 of them) around the country have had indicted child molesters, child abusers, and sexual predators in their pulpits, and in church leadership and staff positions. If so, then I commend your sense of layered humor, ANONYMOUS in caps. In spite of the charges, he remains the Director on Anchor Baptist Churchs Mission Board. Linda Hyles Murphrey, Jack Hyles daughter, considered her father a cult leader. Somebody tell Jesus to get off the throne already. Her daughter was an eyewitness over the many years that Hyles and Jennie would have many lengthy, intimate conversations with each other, even with her mom intimately saying I love you at the end of each conversation. 1 deacon of another church who asked the Sheriffs office to investigate the crime was dismissed and escorted off church property. JACK HYLES WAS A PRIDEFUL MAN WHO CONSTANTLY ELEVATED HIMSELF BEFORE HIS FOLLOWERS. The 1st Jack was a case in point, if you believe the back door rumors. They have not purged out the old leaven so that they can be a new lump. Schaap had been a son-in-law of Jack Hyles, the churchs most prominent leader. No matter how you interpret it, there is indeed a wiggle room here. 31 were charged for molesting underage girls (most of them were girls 15 years of age and younger, including some that molested girls who were age 10 and younger. Multiple untreated broken bones over a period time were discovered by Hospital Staff when the baby was being treated for a very swollen leg. I guess we`ll still have to wait for the FBI to finish their investigation. MANY OTHER IFB CHURCHES, (AT LEAST 45 CHURCHES), HAVE HAD CHILD MOLESTERS/ABUSERS AS THEIR PASTORS AND IN OTHER LEADERSHIP AND STAFF POSITIONS. (Voyle Glover p 108), Now, you go ahead and let your kids go to the devil if you want to, but Im gonna fight for mine when they get in the battle, and Im gonna fight for every kid in this church! Sermon: Covenant of Salt, preached at Pastors School in 1972. Then he was off again until midnight when he would return with five to ten men (sailors) who I would have a meal waiting for. They kept the matter private until the last possible moment. If you are blinded by a bias for Hyles that compels you to want to ignore these witnesses by passing them off as liars without any proof, then you are not obeying the biblical command to prove all things and instead choosing to answer a matter before you hear it. Furthermore, even if someone was able to prove that 1 or 2 or even 3 of these witnesses were liars, you still have a whole lot of eyewitnesses to deal with. He was one that taught that not even adultery was cause for divorce. I was in prision and you visted me not. Are you saying this is a mitigating factor? If youd like to talk about my story and the IFB church, please let me know. Photos were found of her with bruises, scars, her arm in a sling, etc. Pastor Dean Oliver of the church had nothing to say on behalf of the alleged victim or his family. EDWARD GREEN FORMER YOUTH PASTOR AT MARQUETTE MANOR BAPTIST CHURCH IN MARQUETTE MONOR, IL. Hyles even went as far as saying that even if you were an eyewitness to a sin, that even then, there could be a plausible explanation. However, what no one ever bothered to find out was: Were the accusations true? How many families did he help ruin by teaching that ministry should come before the care of the family? Yet I dont see any contradictions with any of the witnesses. No record of Church discipline. 4 of these criminals were honored by IFB Pastors and/or IFB organizations even after the allegations came out. 3 of those who witnessed the crime, or sought an investigation, or who were members of the church that were concerned about the allegations, were ostracized, removed, and/or blacklisted from the church. Hyles wanted to be in charge of what you believed, ignoring passages like Acts 17:11 about following the example of the Bereans. What interests me is how her divorce will be explained within the Kingdom of Jack Hyles and the broader IFB church movement. 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