Requested by @ateliefloresdaprimavera, and sorry cause, as I just finished writing it, I realize this probably wasnt what you wanted at allI hope you guys will like it : -And I swear if ANY of you set fire to anything again, youll be grounded for the next six months with NO chance of parol ok ? You two decided to name her after her Godmother a.k.a Wonder Woman, for sure she'll be in in the Wonder woman's hands. Someone asked for a part two, so heres a part twoHope youll enjoy :s. ____________________________________________________________________. Besides, most of the time, its just misplaced jealousy. Later, Barry would indeed discover the reason why she didnt speak much, and would be heartbroken for herExcept. You didnt really expect the Leaguers to take you up on your barbecue offerbut they did. Because he saw the fondness and love on his face. And then you heard Bruce screaming your name andHere you were. His theory was confirmed one day when you said that Batman could most definitely be a total jerk towards you or your son (or Alfred), in hisdark moments. Like you. On my masterlist blog, the stories are basically in the order I posted them, but I believe I can make a chronological order and a sort of timeline. That he would catch a glimpse of the loving and sensitive man hid under the scary costume. The shift in Jasons personality was quite an obvious one, but somehow, Barry knew it was all for show. After Batman deals with some goons, he gives chase to Catwoman who stole a data drive. But he tested you in every way possible, and he had to admit that, you were just like him. I see all my family back from patrol. I think I met him a few times. Sometimes, Bruce suspected that you might be a meta-human, because the power you could have over people with your magnificent aura wassomething. The only thing they knew, was that yes, it seemed not that easy to raise those boys of yours as they also seemed veryfull of life. I can't believe I'm having another child, only this time it'll be through birth. Anyway. Superman turned his head toward Barry, and this two second loss of focus allowed Diana to throw him down. Like asking for a catastrophe to happen ? You started dating Bruce when he first took young Richard Grayson in, about twelve years ago (right after Talia drugged him actually), when he was barely 8 years old and heartbroken because of his parents deathAnd though you were merely twenty, quite younger than Bruce really, you took your job as a surrogate mother for Dick very seriously. He knew you only for a few minutes, and he already had more respect for you than for anyone else. Its what he saidOH HEY ! It was quit a shock, the day everyone discovered that Bruce had a family. Over the years, Barry realize he greatly misjudge the Batman. The fact that your husband and his best friend look like brothers confused you a few times. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA)Theres always a small silence, before conversations start once again, your boys go off on their own to find drinks and food, and Bruce get swarmed by tons of people that wants to talk to him. That her life most definitely hadnt been easy. She straightens and looks up at the sky and for the first time in her memory, the stars of the Gotham night sky look back. Hope youll like this short thing :) : Please, do not repost my stories anywhere else, under any other form, do not translate and then repost them either. It wasnt particularly a noticeable difference for the untrained eyes, but it was most definitely there. Alfie is always around ! But then he just had to take one look at how said Batman was looking at you, and he realized that both of you were lucky. No one was quite sure what was the most shocking. Batman was still good old himself, with that softer change when you or his sons were around (fortunately, things with the first Robin, orNightwing now, as he called himself, greatly improved, and although Dick stayed with the Teens Titans still, him and Bruce were speaking again. I still remember the story though, so maybe one day, Ill re-write it. You nod and smile before saying, with a voice that isnt totally yoursbecause youre also rather drunk : -Yes. Moving back to Gotham, your childhood city, to take over your parent's business you meet the famous bachelor of the city. They knew it made their little brother happy, and they knew it was the most obvious answer to anyone who didnt know their family very well. OH HI AUNT DIANA !! He moved his arm across my back shoulders. You both went to the bathroom and came back to your very sober boyfriends andYou went to Clark, and Lois went to Bruce, and kissed them passionately. He moves a bit too quickly to peak at his look in a mirror, and the hat falls back on his forehead. Everyone, but Batman and his son. Wooooow look at that its the best telescope Ive ever seen !! And from this day on, The Flash couldnt help but wonderWhat was it, that made the Batman smile ? His parents never cared enough about himSo it felt nice, to be loved in that way. They know they should leave you alone, they might be all more powerful than me physically, but they know better than to actually piss me off. And so one day, Flash, sitting in the common room of their brand new space headquarters, was staring at Batman (who was making himself a cup of coffee) and without giving much context, he turned to Clark and Diana (who werearm wrestling ?) And you and the Leaguers became fast friends (hed never admit it, but the Bat surely wasnt always happy about that). And nowadays ? Even now, faced with the fact this was reality, Barry couldnt quite believe his eyes ! Two persons. Always meant it. Hissoft expressions were all very fleeting. Those kids. Alfred indeed, and you definitely met him a few times, while coming over for dinner or to see us. Your kids all instantly yelled at the same time : DAMIAN ! Oh man. The Batman was still this serious, stoic and unwavering man, but as soon as they all discovered he had a family, he became a little more human. And whenever you or/and your kids were present, Batman most definitely seemed to be in a better mood. justice league meets bruce wayne fanfiction. That Batman had a kid, or that he just took the softest voice ever to talk to said kid, and showed an entirely different persona ? You, Diana, Zatanna and Shayerah roll your eyes, bracing yourselves for the very personal question that is about to come, as you can see Dinah thinking a bit, her head on her hand, elbows on the bar. Besides, Bruce and your boys always had their eyes on the tracker they put on you (they thought they were being so damn sneaky about this while you knew all alongand never minded. Bruce. It also contains major canon divergence, wherein Dick, Jason, and Tim are Bruce/Clark's biological children, but Damian is not related to Bruce by blood. Barbara says smiling, "humph, this family just keeps getting bigger" Tim mumbled under his breath, "she'll need bear" Cassandra says smiling, "guess I'll stay here tonight" Jason sighs trying to sound disappointed but I can hear his happiness, "no way it'll be a boy" Dick corrected Stephanie and Barbara, "tt you're all jealous because I'm the blood brother" Damian says proudly, "blood or not were all family" I say hugging Damian, Months later I hear my door open knowing that it's my husband, back from patrol. How dare he interrupt this sacred few seconds of silence while they were all admiring the Waynes ? Hell, aside from the incident two months ago that must have led to this, he hasnt had sex at all in over a year. Of course, if youd pay just a little bit attention, youd realize very quickly that they are different men. The List (NSFW, 18+, minors dont interact), I dont think were in Kansas anymore 1/3 (Marvel Crossover), Short bonus convo : Batboys want a sibling, Please dont freak out, but my water just broke, Bruce, my heart, I think Alfred likes my mom !, Sneaky Bastard (NSFW, 18+, minors dont interact), Let me get one thing straightIm not !, Three parts of a whole (Batman x Reader x Superman) (NSFW, 18+, minors dont interact), Professor Wayne 2.5/4(NSFW, 18+, minors dont interact), Can you be my dads girlfriend, please ?, Life is worth it, Ill prove it (Battinson), PS : I TOTALLY meant to do it by the way, to have a timeline. Because I know you love me and you'll, do anything for me and the baby" I inhaled "Sometimes I just try to tough it out, you know?" Youre a pretty responsible woman, even when drunk. Please, handle yourself better in his presence. There was one whom Barry never saw smile, not even a little twitch at the corner of his mouth ! And here he was, amongst those legends. Nowadays, you knew how to differentiate them even if their back was in front of youThey looked the same like that, except for a tiny differenceClark was half an inch taller. By now everyone knows reposting without permission (because nobody ever even ask), or downright stealing, is not cool. So awkward. That little boy clearly took this trait after his father. It was yet another proof that Batman most definitely had a heart. To this day, Clark is still a little vexed about the all ordeal. He then stabs the air, yells a very pirateyAaarrrrr and tackle his made-up opponent fiercely. His cuteness emphasized by the fact that he just lost a few of his front teeth. Whenever you didnt have a good look at them for example, not noticing the difference in clothes etc etcIf the place was a bit dark, if you werent in your normal state (aka drunkor sad, or overly happy), if they had their back to you, if they looked away and you couldnt see their faces etc etcAt the beginning of your relationship with Bruce, when you couldnt quite yet do a difference immediately just by looking a fraction of a second at them, and if they werent directly facing you etc etcyou used to mix the two quite a lot. Once again, it became clear to Barry that the Batman moods truly became tied to his family. That one time Clark saw Batman smile was when. There was no you without them, and them without you. That day, Barry felt that Bruce truly was warming up to him. It means no sarcastic comments to people for Tim. Flash could see there was something wrong with Bruce when he came up the Leagues headquarter that day. Wellits not like that for everyone of course. And were quite thankful for. Files in which were their secret identities, the way they could be defeated, and a all lot of personal details. Letting you all know that I will not have internet access soon and I'm not sure for how long. " Before Dick could stop him Damian was gone. But the fact that they had that tracker on you meant that theyd see you go to Gotham and one of their overly protective ass would be around and. Struck by lighten at the age five. Bruce suddenly has the same superpowers as Clark, and he's determined to find out why. The big bad bat, in moments of calm, not working on the computer or anything, for example as he made himself a cup of coffee, would suddenly let go of that icy marble-carved expression, and give place for a brief expression full of fondness. The boy was serious too, and resembled his father a lot in those moments. It felt, when Jason died, that this nice and warm new family Bruce build for himself, that his new chance at being happy, sort of crumbled. As people stare at you all shamelessly. Batman manages to retrieve the drive but not before the two fight where he gives Catwoman a black eye. It didnt feel right, that he would only be dark, cold and harsh, That day, that first day Tim got up the Headquarter and got overly excited about everything. Alone., Youre insane, Dick chuckled, shaking his head. Can you breathe in space ? She touched my shoulder, "Cass, that's not your job I am not-" she put her finger to her lips, "shh now. She touched my forehead with her knuckles, then her front hand on my cheek, "oh no I'm just fine Cass no worries just sleepy", I hear my stomach grumble. -Its going to be alright. Two sides of the same coin. Waitmom ? Clark is the first one that recognized him. From that first time she came through the zeta tube, on the back of her brother, who then proceeded to give her a piggy back ride all across the Headquarter, to now. Its the first thought that comes to your mind, as you drift slowly in unconsciousness. "A Tyrant of Shade" some say. Years ago, you used to hate this. // AO3 : EllanaRavenwood // Wattpad : @Ellana-Ravenwood (NO other accounts, if you see my stories elsewhere = stolen and then please tell me cause that really sucks) // Sideblog for reblogs and casual fangirling : @ellana-scrolls, Youhave kids ? And it didnt surprise Flash when the man threw himself, mind and body, into his vigilante activities even more. It was actually quite adorable, to see both Cass and Damian explaining things carefully to a Duke who was trying to assimilate everything. Luckily, B has back-up. Ill throw it at the ruffian who wants to steal my gold from me, distract them, and then Illmake them fall on their butt ! Maybe they did ? Bruce tries to stay calm because this can't be happening, not to him, not to Batman. Once more, Flash was faced with the fact that Batman really was a man. Who, in America, never heard about the mighty Superman ? AND A WIFE ? It starts in her chest as something tight, like shes about to have a panic attack, it moves up her throat and her mouth stretches into what must be an unnatural grin. The love you all had for him, even now that he was gone, would never die. The way Bruce collects children, it was inevitable hed eventually get one the old-fashioned way. Complete. She was quiet at first, but interested in everything. But more mpreg cause I love it). Just like Damian (and Hannibal Lecter actuallythough you dont eat people), rudeness is your pet peeve. The Goddess of Truth Wonder Woman ? Cassandra emerged from the zeta tube, getting a piggy back ride from her older brother Dick, a calm day at the Leagues headquarter. I finally stopped. ), gaming with him until youd both pass out out of exhaustion. Has Thomas ever been not sure which one was his dad and cries in frustration.. Or anything like this? You, him and Dick were still here and alive. The sun around which they all gravitated. And this warm feeling that irradiated from Flash seemed to unlock something in the boy, and, smiling widely, he shook his head yes enthusiastically and slowly walked out of hisfathersshadow. He was the opposite. I bet it'll be a little girl" Stephanie exclaims, "I'm so excited we'll have a cut little baby girl running through the Manor!" Draco had been a monster to her from day one at Hogwarts. Youre intimidating him.. But, still at the coffee station, he just looked at both meta humans, frowned, shook his head, and left the room, visibly grumbling something under his breath. You guys might not be drunk enough to ask embarrassingly personal question, but you can never stop from answering them, too drunk to think better !). You say, as you adjust an oversized tricorn on the boys head. Bruce said you were talking in your sleep and sometimes kicked or punched him butto your knowledge, you never actually walked out of your bed. Yes, given the way she smiles more and more by the second, and clearly holds herself from giggling, shes definitely about to ask you one of her trademark drunk questions. Youre safe arent you ? The last thing he wanted, was for him to come over and see what the ruckus was about. justiceleague, love, young This version of Damian Wayne is from a future where he becomes Batman after he is unable to save the second Batman May 21, 2020 - This is a drawing of Batman and Belle from my Batman fan fiction Nov 16, 2016 - Read . He never had a red suit before. Here it goes : So theres two kind of Batmom stories. Batman: The Telltale Series In "Episode 1: Realm of Shadows", Bruce and Selina first meet in costume when Selina is robbing the mayor's office. Thank you for all commenting, reading and likes on my stories! Little Jason was home with you all, and it was a heartfelt thing to witness for each members of the League. As confirmed when you emerged from the zeta tube, and the boy rushed to you to give you a hug, and then excitedly tell you everything he saw on the Space Station. V. . A little boy, who claimed to beRobin. Inspired by the first season of Young Justice, Batwoman and Superboy develop a tentative relationship in which Bryce can't help but mother. You dont do too silly things, you dont get into peoples faces, you dont hurt yourself by accident (well, thats not really true, youre clumsy by nature), you dont act too drunk out of your mindyoure pretty responsible really. But now ? Features one or more of the sides in the relationship with dark and/or evil characterization and intent. Out of nowhere, the man he had tried to make laugh or smile for years came out of the zeta tube with a little boy, who couldnt be more than nine years old, and acted as if nothing happened !! Well, to be honest, he never doubted the fact that youd get along with him. Are you honestly afraid of telling me that you are in pain? And in big part, it was because of that young and smart new Robin, whom the League immediately loved. Work Search: It basically means no-anything-that-could-get-them-in-trouble. Flash just couldnt figure out what was the deal with that man ! I'm fine don't worry", He rubbed my cheek, placing his other hand on my abdomen, "Y/N, please tell me your contractions haven't been frequent" he said in a desperate and hopeful tone, I took a deep breath holding his hand and rubbing it with my thumb, to reassure him I'm ok. And the worst thing is ? When Damian took your hand and made you run along with him because he wanted to show you something, which triggered this small and fleeting smile Batman would have whenever his family would be around, Barry knew. To try and understand his point of view, and why he did what he did. How Barry was almost sure thatThe Batman wasnt actually a real man at all. Ever since Jason died, it felt like something irreparable broke in the man. Almost as if they knew who Batman really was. Bruce had a soft smile as he felt the baby kick. His "legend" wasn't broken by the fact he could feel emotions, on the contrary. Well, actually make that two. He approaches you andthe way he walks is so unfamiliar. (Please read the warnings and heed them.). Its main focus is on finding out who the father of Barry's child is and how the romance drama gonna be afterward. Barry gave a worried look towards Batman. old fat fuck videos. They had been dating for three years, and in that time she . Married to a brilliant man who moonlights as a giant bat creature, scaring criminals, happy adoptive mom of beautiful children and all their friends that come along, and a soon-to-be new mother to a beautiful child. You were just going to pretend it wasnt happening? When he arrived at the Leagues headquarters, he was rather shy and reserved, and Barry saw hiswhat the fuck ? face often as Damian and Cass showed him around headquarters. First published Jan 22, 2018. -So, if hes always aroundhow many times has Alfred accidentally walked in on you and Bruce making love ? She also finds out her uncle is none other than the Gotham city's . To have it just taken and reposted is highly disheartening and unmotivating, I know too many talented peeps who quit because of that. How much it hurt him. She was quite like you, in a way that she would very rarely drinkOnly when youd stop after a few beers, feeling the fogginess of being drunk come over you, she wouldnt. A continuation of White Roses with pairings between the DC Trinity. So while she is Batwomen. Inspired by an anonasking me how many times Alfred accidentally walked in on Bruce and Batmom making loveYeah, just another silly thing really, I seem to write a lot about Bruce and Batmomslove problem haha (breaking furnitures, being walked on in, blahblahblah). Sounds like a painful death right ? Hahaha. And all of a sudden, Barry truly understood why Batman could look so fondly at his boy, or at you. Hes on birth control. "Just tell me, Leslie." She sighed. Just like Bruce discovered, Jason could be a littlewild yet reserved at first, but it only took a little push for him to become an overly enthusiastic little boy, eager to please and to learn. Now people want to talk to you as much as they want to talk to BruceThough sometimes theyre a little scared of your wits. But, of course, you wouldnt have it any other wayAnd as he snakes an arm around your waist to lead you toward tonights gala, your boys chatting with each other in front of you, you know that yes, this is all worth it. Go ahead, ask him, dont worry, Im here.. Be better, share what you loved by rebloging or sending links to it. She once said to Barry, and it was the first time he heard her spoke, so he got a little excited and exclaimed : Before going on on rambles about things, of which Cass reply was pointing at him, laughing, and saying : When her father came to tell her it was time to leave, Cass pointed at Flash again and repeatedfunny, which made BruceLaugh ?! Please consider turning it on! Tim was even easier to treat you like his mom. But the restWell, you were just super stressed. Fortunately, Wayne mansions garden was massive. You pull it off better than any other rich fucks in this town), how perfect your family is (Haha. "baby keeping you up, Momma Bat" he said using my nickname the kid's had given me, I yawned smiling "you have no idea, the kid's? It wasnt easy, to suddenly discover you were different. And oh, you were so near from a diplomatic incident when both you and Lois said Bruce kissed better, even though Bruce didnt even reciprocate his kiss to Lois (though, just like you and Clark, Bruce and Lois used to have a small fling, long ago, so maybe she was talking about those occurrences). That night I laid in bed wearing my pajamas unable to sleep. Yes. They just realized what Superman and Wonder Woman discovered a while ago now. Harboring a fighting stance, he unsheathed the wooden rapier you made for him, and the gesture makes the hat immediately fall on his eyes againBut he takes hold of it with his hand that isnt holding his sword, and throws it at an imaginary enemy. and asked : Have you ever seen him, ya know, smile ?. And finally Bruces, who just couldnt resist. It was almost adorable how protective the entire city seemed to be of their introverted, shy sweetheart. Because that interviewer only asked them, right ? The mom taking care of her son, no matter what. Son of Batman | Fanfiction Romance Son Of Batman X Oc Insert Various X Oc Science Fiction Action Adventure . Romance between Gotham's most eligible bachelor, Bruce Wayne, his alias Batman, and young heiress of the Crowns, Rose. He just got a little overwhelmed at first, to be stared at by Earths mightiest hero. But you lost a son too. Youre also too drunk to ignore Dinahs questions, and she knows it (really, thats why she always ask all of that while its girls night out. Bruces hair were better kept, less disheveled. You take care and love of us, I return love", I feel my hormones rise at her kind word's. Of course, it would always be very fleeting, but it was definitely there. . Was it making him a legend too, to have been selected to be one of the founder of thislittle team ? Written by on 27 febrero, 2023.Posted in fd150 phone line not connected.fd150 phone line not connected. Which sometimes made him want to be fiercely independent. And when Bruce finally came back to Leagues affair, it didnt seem like youd ever come up againOr like he would smile ever again. Oh my oh my oh my, long time no see my little fox ! The bat has chosen the Joker as his favourite supply of blood. His talks with Superman and Flash himself seemed to help the boy a lot, to grasp and understand his feelings. Just like in his day time work, just like in forensics and suchThings werent always that simple. Its Flash !! A brother. So the bat had to amend himself. For a split moment, unfocused because Flash addressed him and his Ma always told him that ignoring people was impolite, Clark released a little pressure in his arm, and of course Diana took advantage of this to strategically put all her force in, and slam the mighty Superman down. Wayne Manor is one of the few sites protected by Gotham's Historical Society and actually left alone by the growing rogue's gallery out of Arkham. Their bond was obviously strong, it didnt take a genius to realize that. It has never really been your thing anyway, to drink yourself stupid. He left I sighed feeling my eye's swell. No Idont think I ever didWait, actually, there was that one time when-. I have tons of other very SFW story, for averyone to read, and if you wanna check those out instead, its right here, on My masterlist blog : @ella-ravenwood-archives. A promise of vengeance. It also felt nice that he wasnt alone anymore. Draco had grown up in the last few years of the war, but that didn't wipe away the years of abuse she had suffered at his hands. Who, in their right mind, could guess that the stoic, always so serious and harsh hero had a. Of course, Flash shouldve known. And your loss was felt by everyone. Followed by bodies hitting the ground. They live in Gotham but Toni will be in the avengers compound in New York. And that was it. 3 pages 1 day ago Rainbowcart . Then yours. I have not told anyone yet. And definitely not into the night all the way to some place in the city ! Fucking giant man. Bruce, ran in putting his hands on my shoulders and my hair back. Until one particular event came and changed their life forever. You were the one he considered his mom (Talia actually tried to kill you a few times because of that, jealous beyond everything of you and the loveher son seemed to have for youShe tried harder when Damian told her that she wasnever his mom, that you showed him what a real mother was, and also, when she realized how in love Bruce was with you, while she had to drug him to get him to sleep with herYeah, pretty jealous. Bruce, is always worried about me, I exhale and start breathing steadily, has it faded away "yes just a contraction, my love. His children came from times to times to the Leagues headquarter, mainly to hang out with their dad, as it was extremely rare theyd take part in Leagues mission (Batman was surprisingly protective of his children). Dianasmiled widely (not a rare occurence in her case) and turned to look at Clark knowingly. He offers his hand and I held Bruce's hand placing it where our unborn baby is kicking. Another awkward moment that came to your head was that time, when Bruce introduced you to Clark and Lois (or rather, to Lois as you already knew Clark from before), and you and Lois got incredibly drunk and kinda went to kiss the wrong man. Its so gooooood to see you ! Actually, he was taller than his older brother, Dick. Hope youll like it : You wake up in a dark alley and your thoughts are a mess. The first time Tim came up the tower, he ran into it and started to ramble about everything, asking questions faster than anyone could answer, and touching everything on his way ! I hate morning sickness with a passion! People, werent that simple. But the mourning was finally reaching its last step. Being drunk while going into heat was not a right idea, luckily, Barry isn't the only one who got "knock up" that night. Atrue pirate obviously wears an eye-patch ! Curious of everything in a way his brothers werent, as he needed detailed explanations about stuffs, not just a simple answer. Will go from Iron Man 1 until Multiverse of Madness, tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (74), Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons) (16), Alternate Universe - Always a Different Sex (37), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (21), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Dory (The Batman Movie 2022) & Alfred Pennyworth & Bruce Wayne, Clark's a good boy who uses "ma'am" like he was taught, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Avengers Team & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Justice League (DCU), Billy Batson & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Peter Parker, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Tony Stark, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Bruce Wayne, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Harry Potter, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Danny Fenton, Bruce Wayne is Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug's Biological Parent, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug is a Wayne, Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Peter Parker are twins, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Superman's Regime (Injustice: Gods Among Us), Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug is a Stark, Tony Stark is Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug's biological Parent, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons), Alternate Universe - Supernatural Elements, Diana (Wonder Woman)/Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Diana/Shayera Hol/J'onn J'onzz/Clark Kent/John Stewart/Bruce Wayne/Wally West, Lady Wonder Woman (Justice Lords Universe)/Batman, The Batman Who Laughs | Dark Earth-22 Bruce Wayne, Lady Wonder Woman (Justice Lords Universe), Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, fem!bruce will agressively call alfred father to get what she wants, Batman (Derogatory) and Robin (Affectionate), The kids are all the biological kids of Bruce and Tony, Wanda Maximoff/Original Male Character(s), Michelle Jones/Peter Parker/Mary Jane Watson, Cooper Barton & Lila Barton & Harley Keener & Peter Parker, Clint Barton & Cooper Barton & Laura Barton & Lila Barton & Nathaniel Pietro Barton, Harley Keener & Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Harley Keener is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Superman and Steve Rogers are good friends, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne Have a Good Relationship, Harley Keener & Peter Parker are Siblings, Dick Grayson is Bruce Wayne's Biological Child, Bruce Wayne is Jason Todd's Biological Parent, Bruce Wayne is Tim Drake's Biological Parent, Bruce Wayne is Damian Wayne's Biological Parent, Bruce Wayne is Peter Parker's Biological Parent, Bruce Wayne is Harley Keener's Biological Parent, Bruce Wayne is Original Male Character's Biological Parent, Tony Stark Is Dick Grayson's Biological Parent, Tony Stark is Jason Todd's Biological Parent, Tony Stark is Tim Drake's Biological Parent, Tony Stark is Damian Wayne's Biological Parent, Bruce and Tony used ROPA (Shared Motherhood).